Visits and show rounds
Visits and show rounds
Learning Tree Pre-school firstly invites you to an out of hours show round giving you quality time to observe the setting with clear explanations of how we operate and providing you time to ask questions and discuss concerns. This is followed up with a short in session visit where you and your child will be able to familiarise yourself with the setting, meet the team and complete your child’s registration records together with your child's individual starting points ready for the big day.

How to contact and find us
How to contact and find us
If you would like to come and visit, we would love to see you !
call us on 01843......
or email.............
to arrange an appointment
Situated by the car park on the Chilton School Site, use the 'nursery' buzzer at the school gate and one of our team will speak to you and talk you in.
Parking spaces are limited but can be booked for appointments. You will be asked to sign our visitors book and made aware of our emergency evacuation/lockdown procedures and notice for mobile phones and cameras.
Transitions and settling in
Transitions and settling in
Transitions are crucial times in the lives of young children and their families and we understand that positive transitions have a significant impact on a child's personal, social and emotional well being both now and in future situations.
We are fully aware of the anxiety and concern starting a pre school can bring for both you and your child especially if for the first time, and our experienced members of our childcare team will work with you to discuss and decide a plan to make it a happy, positive, experience as possible for both you and your child.
Home visits
Home visits
A Key Person can learn more about a child in 20 minute visit to the home than they may in a whole term, or even longer, which is invaluable for an effective settling-in process and joint planning with parents, taking into account and building on a child's interests.
Here at Learning Tree Pre School we understand that for some parents the idea of a home visit may feel intrusive and worrying and therefore it is not a condition of joining our pre school but we do provide an opportunity for a home visit if you feel it would be supportive to you or/and your child, for example if settling in is becoming a concern. Please speak to a member of the team if you would like us to arrange this.
© 2017 The Learning Tree Pre-School