Safeguarding and Child Protection
Safeguarding and Child Protection
At Learning Tree Pre School we fully understand and commit to 'every ones' responsibility to safeguard and protect children and work together as a team with Parents/carers and outside agencies to uphold this through policies procedures and good practice.
All members of our childcare team at Learning Tree Preschool are trained in Safeguarding and children in need and fully aware of our procedures and systems of what to do if safety or welfare concerns are raised about a child.
Strong policies and robust procedures include child protection, recruitment, suitable adults who have contact with children, health and behaviour management with systems to include record keeping which are regularly monitored, reviewed and evaluated.
Reflecting our commitment to parental partnership, we aim to keep you informed and included in all aspects of the care and education of your child, with regards to safeguarding. This entails developing two way information sharing, openness, trust and honestly on a day to day basis this will involve telling each other about concerns, or accidents/ incidents that have happened in the nursery or at home or elsewhere.
Pre-school's Responsibilities
Pre-school's Responsibilities
It is our responsibility to keep children safe, happy and well cared for, including safe resources, people and environments it is our responsibility to inform parents as soon as possible of any concerns, accidents or to record accidents, existing injuries and incidents accurately with signatures from parents and nursery,To educate children about keeping safe and healthy, to observe statutory safeguarding guidelines and working practice
​ Accidents/incidents outside the preschool
Our duty of care to safeguard all children requires developing an open honest ​two way information sharing process to support us in recording and discussing any accident, incident that becomes evident to us which has taken place outside the pre school such as at home or elsewhere.
​ Accidents/incidents outside the preschool
Our duty of care to safeguard all children requires developing an open honest ​two way information sharing process to support us in recording and discussing any accident, incident that becomes evident to us which has taken place outside the pre school such as at home or elsewhere.
Policies and Procedures
Policies and Procedures
Learning Tree Preschool has an extensive list of policies and procedures to ensure the Health and Safety Equality and Inclusion of your child, families, our childcare and management team. and visitors.
They form part of our Terms and Conditions and can be found in the reception area and emailed on request
GDPR - The Learning Tree Pre School holds a privacy notice
to explain what personal data (information) we hold about you, how we collect, how we use and may share information about you. We are required to give you this information under data protection law.
The Learning Tree Pre School collects, uses and is responsible for certain personal information about you. When we do so we are regulated under the General Data Protection Regulation which applies across the European Union (including in the United Kingdom) and we are responsible as ‘controller’ of that personal information for the purposes of those laws. The Learning Tree Pre school has a data protection officer in place and more information is available in reception
Useful safeguarding links and contacts
Useful safeguarding links and contacts
As an Ofsted statutory requirement the childcare team at Learning Tree Pre School have a full and relevant DBS (legal suitability check) are appropriately qualified and completed the following training -
Paediatric First Aid
Safeguarding and Child Protection
Channel and Prevent Duty (terroism)
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
*Health and Safety and Basic Food Hygiene *(where applicable)
As an Ofsted statutory requirement the childcare team at Learning Tree Pre School have a full and relevant DBS (legal suitability check) are appropriately qualified and completed the following training -
Paediatric First Aid
Safeguarding and Child Protection
Channel and Prevent Duty (terroism)
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
*Health and Safety and Basic Food Hygiene *(where applicable)
© 2017 The Learning Tree Pre-School