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Working in Partnership with Parents

The Learning Tree Pre School works in partnership with parents to ensure parents feel welcome and valued. We give parents an open honest daily feedback about their child, we listen and value what our parents say and welcome feedback to strive to improve our setting

We invite parents to contribute towards questionnaires, provide opportunities for discussions at progress meetings and provide opportunities for you to get involved by emailing or posting yours child's development moments and your/or your child’s ideas.


SEND Code of Practice, Role of the SEN co. and Local Offer

T he Learning Tree Pre School is in receipt of local government funding and therefore has due regard to the Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Code of Practice. The Code covers the 0-25 age range and includes guidance relating to disabled children and young people as well as those with SEN. . We have an experienced qualified Designated SEND Coordinator and there is a clear focus on active participation of children and parents in all decision making at individual and strategic levels.  In line with the Local Authority requirements, we have published our Local Offer which provides information about the type of support we are able to offer to children and families. This very important information can currently be located in our policies and procedures at the pre school and will be available to read on line very soon

EFICL and information sharing

Enhancing Family Involvement in Children's Learning (EFICL)

The launch of EFICL (Enhancing Family Involvement in Children's Learning) - Pathways to Excellence took place during November 2015. In 2016 it became an award winning product, having won the Nursery World Staff Resources Award.

Some members of our Childcare Team have attended training and started to implement new strategies and resources from the toolkit  to increase and enhance involvement of families in their children's learning. This is an exciting ongoing development ...more information can be found in reception and in the parent pack


School partnership working

As part of our transition support process, here at The Learning Tree Pre School we work as closely as possible with all schools that you have selected for your child to attend. Visits from teaching staff of the schools where our children will be going are encouraged to come and meet the children in their natural learning environment and information about the school of your choice is obtained and built into adult led activities. Planned visits to the school for your child are discussed with them on their return making it an exciting experience. Also, positive relationships with Early Years teachers from our on site Chilton Primary School, provides opportunity for all children to participate in teacher group time activities in preparation for their big day.

Early Years Collaborations

Within Kent with the support of the Local Authority many Early Years Providers work together in collaboration sharing knowledge, experience, support and costs for group training in a proactive, respectful and equal

partnership for the greater good of, and best outcomes for, all the children and

families they collectively serve.

The Learning Tree Pre School works together with (sister provision)Little Scarecrows Nursery School, Minster Day Nursery, Fledglings Nursery School, Noah's Ark Nursery School Under 5's, ???

Local Authority

As part of our professional development, we have strong links and work closely with the local authority attending Briefing and networking sessions for news and updates on legislation and new trends, receive annual visits to support quality and improvement and attend regular training.

We have also worked together with the local Safeguarding Team and the Business Team to ensure we have the latest information regarding Free Early Education. We have recently received grants for refurbishing the toilet facilities and an all weather canopy for the outdoor area... For which we would like to say a BIG THANK YOU to the Sufficiency and Sustainability Team !


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