Health and Well Being
Health and Well Being
High levels of good health and well being are vital for children to be able to fully engage in play to learn, develop and thrive. Learning Tree Preschool supports your child's health and well being by offering a flexible routine, a rich resourced environment to suit individual needs and opportunity to play both in and out doors every day all year round. Our trained team regularly observe monitor and record children's levels of well being which your key person will share with you.
Healthy Meals,Snacks and Drinks
Healthy Meals,Snacks and Drinks
Learning Tree Preschool Promotes Healthy eating. N utritious snacks are available from our rolling snack bar at different times through the day.
Children are supported in preparing their choices and participating in setting up and clearing away themselves.
A pack up lunch is currently provided from home for those children attending a morning or all day session.
All staff receive food hygiene training and are kept up to date on all new food law regulations.

Absence and illness
When children become unwell at the preschool or do attend due to sickness, In line with health legislation and Ofsted, policies and procedures are in place regarding the measures that we and parents/carers need to be take and include additional policies on medication procedures and times of absence and fees.. They form part of the Terms and Conditions of your contract and copies are provided in the parent pack
Physical exercise, Fitness, Fresh air
Physical exercise, Fitness, Fresh air
We provide the opportunity for exercise everyday. Walking, running, climbing, dancing, jumping or playing active games, all play an important part in developing a love of physical activity.
We fully understand the importance of exercise for children to achieve and maintain a healthy body and mind and how i t helps to build and maintain strong, healthy muscles, bones and joints vital for maintaining a healthy balance, improve self-confidence, develop great social skills.

Sleep and Rest
Sleep and Rest
Children are able to rest according to their needs. our flexible routine and planned cosy areas within the classroom support children to choose how they wish to rest or sleep and our team put measures in place to support their well being and safety.

Clothing and Uniform
Clothing and Uniform
At Learning Tree Preschool children are involved in lots of active messy creative fun with options to play outside, so dressing your child appropriately is advised.
A uniform together with a rucksack can be ordered directly from The Schoolwear Centre Shop in Margate and is optional.
© 2017 The Learning Tree Pre-School